I'm From Driftwood
The stories on I’m From Driftwood send a simple but powerful message to LGBTQIA+ people everywhere: You are not alone. I’m From Driftwood combats isolation and creates empathy to build a more understanding and accepting world. These are our stories, told in our own voices.
Latest Voices Stories
“I Would Say I’m A Cradle-to-Grave Gay Activist.”
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countr...
Man Finds New Purpose In Life and Work After Friend’s HIV Diagnosis
My name is D’Ontace Keyes. I am from Chicago, Illinois. In 2009, within Philadelphia, I was studying at the University of the Arts. It was my sophomore year and it was a really e...
Exorcists Try–And Fail–To “Cast Demons” Out Of Gay College Student
My name is Samuel Johnson and I am from Boston, Massachusetts. So, I grew up in the Pentecostal tradition of Christianity. After a long, hard childhood of growing up in that partic...
Hateful Message From Friend Inspires Lesbian To Live More Honestly.
My name’s Melissa Driscol and I’m from Lorain, Ohio. So growing up, I had a lot of activities that I had to be a part of. And with that, my family in particular had a few frien...
“There Was Just So Much Fear” About Being A Lesbian.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countr...
“He Said, ‘Sorry, Buddy, But I’m Not Into Asians.’”
I’m J. C. I’m from Manila. That’s the capital of the Philippines. I grew up there. I moved to the U. S., specifically New York, in 2005 at the tender age of 21. Moving to New...
Trans Woman Shuts Down Minister With Research, Notes, And A Highlighter.
TRANSCRIPT: Hi, I’m Gina Grahame, I’m from Detroit, Michigan. I came out as transsexual in 1992. I was 29 at the time. I always tell people that transitioning was my last resor...
1988: Transgender Woman Helps 22-Year-Old Lesbian From Texas Come Out.
I’m Ann Brown and I’m from El Paso, Texas. So back in 1988, when I graduated University of Texas at Austin, I moved to New York. And that was a huge move for me, coming from th...
The Importance of Equal Access for Trans Youth.
Hi, my name is Sharron Cooks, I live in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I am originally from New Jersey. I have lived in Philadelphia for about 20 years. So when I was a lot younger, i...
“Those Women Carry Knives.” Mother Warns Daughter About Lesbians.
My name is Inca Mohamed, I am originally from the Caribbean but came to the US as a child. I have always been living between those two cultures. In my early mid-20s, I was living i...
“Your Father Knew. And He Loved You Regardless.”
My name is Kaitlin Apostol and I’m from Sharon Hill, Pennsylvania. So back in 2004, I was a junior at Academy Park High School. And I was kinda still figuring myself out as far a...
Being Nonbinary and Gender Fluid: “You Don’t Have To Own Up To One Label Or Be One Thing.”
TRANSCRIPT: My name is Ada Guzman, and I’m from New York City. When I was in 7th grade, I had this Latin teacher. She had been my Latin teacher a year before, and she was also my...