I’m From Driftwood
The stories on I’m From Driftwood send a simple but powerful message to LGBTQIA+ people everywhere: You are not alone. I’m From Driftwood combats isolation and creates empathy to build a more understanding and accepting world. These are our stories, told in our own voices.
The stories on I’m From Driftwood have saved lives, empowered individuals, and strengthened communities. If the stories have had an impact on your life, whether it was just a smile or inspired a life-changing event, please let us know using this form.

A Lesson, Then a Plan: How a Sixth Grade Student Changed a Trans Teacher’s Life. Watch Story.
Previous Feedback
What an incredible historical archive you are compiling of our stories. I have no doubt that it will help untold numbers of young GLBT people who are struggling with their sexuality, as well as hopefully educate people who can become allies but may not yet be, because they have not yet understood the struggles and pain that can be entailed in growing up gay. These stories bring that home in a very real and personal way.
— Kevin
I want to say personally thank you for your videos and stories. I can honestly say they are what got me through high school. Thank you.
— Vidya
I would like to thank you so much. I am a gay teen still in the closet. I have only recently come to terms with and accepted me being gay. I went through an extremely rough and depressing time when I first came to the conclusion that I was gay. I felt like I was destroyed. I then turned to the internet; that was my only way to be remotely connected to the LGBT community. I felt so alone. I watched pretty much all of your videos in one night, I was amazed. I felt like a new person. After all of the internet stuff and much thought, I am now totally okay with me being gay and a huge part of that is thanks to your videos, I cannot thank you enough! You saved my life, literally!
— Sean
Just found your brilliant and inspiring videos and can’t urge you enough to post more! They sent me on a roller coaster of emotions but ultimately filled me with hope and love for anyone facing similar situations. The situation I found myself in when I came out – many years ago – was horrific, but time passed and I gradually became more and more comfortable with who I was and who I told. Fast forward to today and I’ve been in my current relationship for nearly 11 years and can’t imagine my life any other way. Tolerance has to stem from education & understanding. As the videos often say, change someone’s mind today!
— Philip