I’m from Clinton, Missouri. It started my brother was doing this open mic night thing. It was an afternoon Sunday brunch in Springfield, Missouri which is about three hours away from here. My family had never met one of my girlfriends before knowingly. They had scene them but didn’t know I was dating them. And so it was a unique experience for that, because to actually see me in a lesbian relationship, but it was also unique because my girlfriend was a transexual. And I told my dad I was bringing a girlfriend and he knew and like just to make sure it was okay and it was alright. I didn’t mention the trans part. So we had this three hour drive. And she was really nervous and changed her outfit at least five different times before we left that morning. And didn’t know what to wear and didn’t want to do too much makeup but she always wore a lot of makeup just because she was really concerned about passing that day. We walked by, and it was my dad and my mom across, and my littlest brother who’s ten sitting next to her. And there were two seats at the end of the table for us, I guess. So we sat across from each other on the very edge and my mom barely looked up or said hi. And eventually, she said, “oh, do you have any brothers or sisters?” And Jane was like, “Yeah I have two older sisters.” And my mom said, “Oh.” And that was it. That was all that my mom said. My mom told my dad, I think she’s a man, kind of thing. And my dad handled it really well. You can ask Trisha, or what’s it really matter? And my brother was really good about it too. And Jane and I have talked. Cause it was Jane’s first time being introduced to anyone’s family that she had been with. She was in a real, pretty intense long relationship before and was never introduced as a female. As a dyke. That was new for her. I talked to her earlier today and just kind of remembering memories. It was really this fun thing that happened with us and this experience that happened that I’m not going to forget.