Results for "stories"

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”

by Evan

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”

I’m Evan, and I’m from Somers, New York.  When I was younger, I never really felt comfortable with the girly things or wearing dresses, playing with all the girl toys...

After Standing Up to Abusive Father, Gay Immigration Lawyer Dedicates His Career to Helping Others.

by Will

After Standing Up to Abusive Father, Gay Immigration Lawyer Dedicates His Career to Helping Others.

My name is Will, I’m from Houston, Texas.  From an early age, I realized I was different and didn’t fit in with other children my age. I loved the color purple and fo...

Swipes Right, Finds Love: Queer Undocumented Woman Falls in Love & Finds Herself Along the Way.

by Tashi Sanchez-Llaury

Swipes Right, Finds Love: Queer Undocumented Woman Falls in Love & Finds Herself Along the Way.

My name is Tashi Sanchez-Llaury and I am from Trujillo, Peru. It was after another breakup with another cishetero man. I personally think that it was a big rebound, but I think I ...

“I’m a Son. I’m a Gay Man. I’m a Teacher. I’m a Christian.” Gay Man Learns to Embrace His Whole Self.

by Patrick Tirino

“I’m a Son. I’m a Gay Man. I’m a Teacher. I’m a Christian.” Gay Man Learns to Embrace His Whole Self.

I’m Patrick Tirino. I’m from Astoria, New York. I always knew I was gay from a very, very small age. I could vividly remember a picture that’s still in my motherSo then I start working. I get a job as a teacher. Christmas approaches of that year and as most Italian families, the holidays are a big deal. I was like, how am I not spending a...

Gay Activist Comes Out to Parents Before the Local News Does It for Him.

by Kris Banks

Gay Activist Comes Out to Parents Before the Local News Does It for Him.

My name is Kris Banks and I’m from Alvin, Texas. So I was in law school, but I was also getting pretty heavily involved in local politics. I was starting to work with some oSo after just a couple days after that is when I went home and was kind of living my life. And just January… The January caucus meeting came. I think I was still in the slin...

“I Didn’t Have a Good Outcome With My Family.” Nonbinary Person Overcomes Challenges To Live Authentically.

by Ley

“I Didn’t Have a Good Outcome With My Family.” Nonbinary Person Overcomes Challenges To Live Authentically.

My name is Ley and I’m from the Dominican Republic.  I was 15, 14 when I told my mother for the first time that I was bisexual, because that’s the language that I hav...

Flirty Butt Grab During “Godspell” Leads To “Bright, Light, & Wonderful” Perspective on Gay Life.

by Daniel Holland

Flirty Butt Grab During “Godspell” Leads To “Bright, Light, & Wonderful” Perspective on Gay Life.

My name’s Daniel Holland. I’m from Clear Lake, Texas.  It was in 1998. It was, like,  butt cut season at Clear Lake High School. I was in my shell necklace, my cargo...

Lesbian Creates a Committee of Friends to Help Her Find Love. “I Couldn’t Trust My Own Decisions.”

by Meredith Morningstar

Lesbian Creates a Committee of Friends to Help Her Find Love. “I Couldn’t Trust My Own Decisions.”

I’m Meredith Morningstar. I’m originally from Dallas, Texas.  My sister, in her eloquent way, diagnosed me with a broken picker. That means that I couldn’t pick...

Leon Yuan Headshot

by Leon Yuan

From Texas to Taiwan, Gay Man Overcomes Fear By Coming Out Again and Again

Hi, I’m Leon Yuan. I grew up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. As a teenager growing up in Taiwan, I always knew I was gay. My biggest fear at the time was that if I were to come out to...


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