Results for "Arizona"

“That’s My Daughter”: Construction Dad Doesn’t Hesitate to Support Trans Woman

by Sasha Buchert

“That’s My Daughter”: Construction Dad Doesn’t Hesitate to Support Trans Woman

My name is Sasha Buchert and I’m from Portland, Oregon.  When I was younger, Iike a lot of people, I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my dad. We just weren&And it just made me see that, my dad loved me and saw me and supported me. Even at the risk of social cost. I know that this person obviously knew that I was transgender. But my d...

Story Update: Micah Peterson on Embracing His Blackness, Shutting Down Microaggressions and Challenging Others.

by Micah Peterson

Story Update: Micah Peterson on Embracing His Blackness, Shutting Down Microaggressions and Challenging Others.

Nathan: Hello and welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking with Micah Peterson, who we… we got like a story about three years ago. So before w...

Despite Conservative Mormon Upbringing, Gay Man Learns To Accept His Truth. “Huge Relief To Finally Be Who I Am.”

by Brenton Erickson

Despite Conservative Mormon Upbringing, Gay Man Learns To Accept His Truth. “Huge Relief To Finally Be Who I Am.”

I’m Brenton Erickson. I am from Mesa, Arizona. When I was 10, I remember a night that my parents were out on a date. I have a ton of older siblings. We’re all at home in this ...

Black Gay Man Learns To “Love Myself And Love My Skin” After Being Racially Stereotyped Abroad.

by Micah Peterson

Black Gay Man Learns To “Love Myself And Love My Skin” After Being Racially Stereotyped Abroad.

Hi, my name is Micah Peterson and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona. So, when I was 21, I was in college at Oberlin up in Ohio, which is the middle of nowhere. I had an opportunity to s...

Gay Man Staying Married To Woman “Wasn’t Fair To Me And It Wasn’t Fair To Her.”

by Ken Henderson

Gay Man Staying Married To Woman “Wasn’t Fair To Me And It Wasn’t Fair To Her.”

My name is Ken Henderson and I’m from Globe, Arizona. I dated girls in high school, I noticed boys a lot but being gay wasn’t something that really seemed an option to me at t...

“Sexual Abuse is Something We Go Through and Not Something That We Are.”

by Stephen Land

“Sexual Abuse is Something We Go Through and Not Something That We Are.”

My name is Stephen Land and I’m originally from Phoenix, Arizona. I grew up in a very conservative Christian family. We went to church every Sunday. We went to church every Wedn...

I’m From Tucson, AZ.

by Simon Donovan

I’m From Tucson, AZ.

My horoscope once said that with a new planetary shift it will be the end of “me” consciousness and the beginning of “us” consciousness. I will suddenly shift from self-ce...

“Mom…I’m Gay, Own a Porn Company, and Am In A Polyamorous Relationship.”

by Benjamine Heath

“Mom…I’m Gay, Own a Porn Company, and Am In A Polyamorous Relationship.”

I’m Benjamin and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona. I grew up with my mom who’s Filipino and also religious. A lot of Filipino families are very traditional and I remember growing u...

I’m From Arizona.

by Emma V.

I’m From Arizona.

Never in my life had it ever once entered my mind that I could be anything other than straight. Straight was the default. Everyone was straight in Arizona, or so it seemed to me f...


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