Results for "authenticity"

Oprah, Rap & Naked Yoga: One Gay Man’s Coming Out Journey to Finding His Community
Hi, I’m Daniel, from Houston, Texas. When I was 11 years old, I was at my aunt’s house and my mom happened to be watching an episode of Oprah. I noticed it waSo I went a little bit back into my shell, but I would hear comments on a pretty regular basis about who I was when we were talking about things like top and bottom. I remember gu...

Back On Track: Gay Man Finds Fulfillment By Prioritizing His Dreams Over Partying & Distractions.
My name is Daniel. I’m from Guanajuato, Mexico. And when I was 15 years old, I moved to the United States, specifically Reno, Nevada. Ever since when I was a little kid, I aI decided to join some groups here in Austin that focused on entrepreneurship and starting your own business. I applied to work at one of my favorite gyms in town, finally got a j...

Keeping Austin Weird: How One Queer Woman Learned to Let Her Freak Flag Fly.
I’m Erica Nix. I’m from Arlington, Texas. Arlington, when I was growing up, was a pretty conservative place. It wasn’t really that cool to be different, and I al...

Non-Binary Excellence: How One Employee’s Authenticity Served as a Model for Others.
My name is Will Verchereau. I’m from Lansing, Michigan. In May 2011, I found myself freshly graduated from Michigan State University and crying alone in my closet in my apDuring the pandemic, I was starting to grow my hair out. I remember this moment where my hair was starting to curl. I looked in the mirror. I thought, “I have curly hair. Th...

Queer Man Leaves Behind Homophobic & Racist Microaggressions at Corporate Job & Thrives in the Arts
Hi, I’m Jeremy Rashad Brown. I am from Waxahachie, Texas. Seventeen years ago, I went to UT where I majored in American studies and music business. And upon graduatAnd so I took a leap. I saw that as my opportunity to go ahead and see what being an artist is in this world, and even more specifically within the city of Austin. I liquidated my...

How a Queer Woman’s Life-Changing Haircut Set Her on a More Authentic Path. “It Was Like Freedom.”
I’m Natasha Sumner and I am from Santa Rosa, California. Growing up, I was a rough and tumble kid. I loved to be out in the dirt, out in nature. It was the place where I fToday, as you can see, I kept my hair short and revel in it all the time and really enjoy it. You know, I can’t say that these fears of mine and these sort of belief systems...

Top, Bottom or Vers? Gay Man Defies Social Pressure and Comes Out as a Side.
I’m Tim, and I’m from Montclair, New Jersey. I came out in three separate occasions over a summer. The first one was, “I think I might be gay.” And the sThis person accepted me as a valid gay man and it was not anything on the basis of what I did in the bedroom. That was sort of pre pandemic. And then the pandemic, I know, put kin...

From Anderson Cooper to Heartstopper, Gay Man Learns the Value of Living for Himself.
My name is Kevin Bentley, and I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. When I was 17, my brother came out as bisexual. He put it out there and was just, “This is it. No room for discussi...

“You’re Losing Yourself In This Bullshit.” Mom’s Tough Love Convo Snaps Gay Son Out Of Superficial Life.
Hi, my name is Liam King. I’m from Bar Harbor, Maine. It all kind of started with my mother’s reinforcement of me as a child and before I understood the social constructs of w...