Results for "Brooklyn"

Bisexual Awakening from a Life-Changing Kiss
My name is Karine. I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I grew up in a very conservative… conservative environment in Haiti. We went to church every week, sometimes twice a weekAnd I had just this moment of understanding that I could actually be in love with a woman, and I could be with a woman. Even though I’d had those feelings before, when I was...

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”
My name is Terrence Francois. I’m from Brooklyn, New York, also known as Indigenous Land of the Lenape people. So it’s 2021. We’re a year into the pandemic. The And they’re just cheesing. They’re like, “¿Como esta?” That’s I think all I got. And I was like, “I’m good. How are you?” And I th...

Trans Nonbinary Person Thrives After Being Welcomed Back to Work with New Identity, Name, & Pronouns.
I did a lot of self-reflecting and I was able to self-identify as well as to allow myself, my inner Shellby, to come alive.I am Shellby Forbes. I am from Brooklyn, New York. So in early 2000s, I started in the finance industry working in retail banking. And during that timeframe, I started off as a teSo COVID happens, and during that timeframe I had the opportunity to work from home remote. And during this timeframe, I did a lot of self-reflecting and I was able to self-identi...

Gay Sex Worker Finds Confidence In Himself & His Work. “What Is There To Be Ashamed Of?”
My name is Tomik Dash. I am from Brooklyn, New York. Nine years ago, I was living in London, England. I went there on the plan to be there for two weeks. All these things started ...

“He Lives with a Man. He’s Gay. You Get It?” Gay Man Describes Mother’s Journey to Acceptance.
I’m Jack Drescher. I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I originally came out to myself at the age of 21 in 1972. And as part of my coming out process, I gradually started telling peo...

Lauren Gulbrandsen On Activism In And Out Of The Streets.
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. We’re going to be speaking with Lauren Gulbrandsen, but first we’re going to take a look at her story. Lauren: I’m Lauren Gu...

Story Update: Stephen Winter “I Can See Hope In The Future.”
Nathan: Okay, welcome to this week Story Update. This week where you are with Steven Winter. And before we have him join us, let’s take a look at his video story that he shared ...

Gay Puerto Rican Learns To Embrace Both His Sexuality And His Ethnicity. “I Feel More Balanced.”
My name is William Perez and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I went to Cornell University in 1987. I struggled my first semester so much that I had straight Fs and one D. So I was ...

From Couch Surfing To Owning Her Own Couch: How A Gay Woman Found Independence After Coming Out.
My name is Victoria and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. When I was still living with my parents in Coney Island about two and a half years ago, I was going to college. And I had me...