Results for "Columbus"

Ctrl+Alt+Defeat Discrimination: How One Trans Activist Transformed the Tech Industry.

by Mary Ann Horton

Ctrl+Alt+Defeat Discrimination: How One Trans Activist Transformed the Tech Industry.

My name is Mary Ann Horton, and I’m from San Diego, California.  Think back to 1997. I was a closeted cross-dresser working for Lucent Technologies in Columbus, Ohio. I kneSo I was ready for my first day at work as Mary Ann. I’d waited until I had a good reason to do it. On National Coming Out Day, in 1998, we had a gay couple that owned a res...

Story Update: Mila Jam “Black Trans Women Are Important In Music”

by Mila Jam

Story Update: Mila Jam “Black Trans Women Are Important In Music”

Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. My name is Nathan, and this week we’re going to be speaking with Mila Jam, but before we do, let’s take a look at her story. Mi...

Student Fights To Change School Dress Code–And Wins. “I Should Be Allowed To Wear A Suit.”

by Nash Keyes

Student Fights To Change School Dress Code–And Wins. “I Should Be Allowed To Wear A Suit.”

I’m Nash Keyes. I’m from Columbus, Ohio. So late one night after a long day of school, like in the middle of winter I think, I was at home brushing my teeth to get ready for b...

Lipstick Lesbian Awareness Party Leads To Life-Changing Epiphany

by Dubbs Weinblatt

Lipstick Lesbian Awareness Party Leads To Life-Changing Epiphany

I’m Dubbs Weinblatt, I’m from Columbus, Ohio. One day when I was 20 years old back when I was at Ohio State, I had been having a lot of trouble drinking. I was drinking all th...

Transgender Woman Sacrifices Everything To Finally Be Herself.

by Mila Jam

Transgender Woman Sacrifices Everything To Finally Be Herself.

My name is Mila Jam and I’m from Columbus, Georgia. So I created this drag persona, Britney Houston, who is the Pop Parody Princess of Music Videos. I was having a moment of suc...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Mike B.

I’m From Columbus, OH.

I attempted to come out of the closet the for the first time at eleven. I knew that I was a gay at a very young age and my parents should have as well because I danced around in m...