Results for "coming of age"

Arrested For Being Gay At 14 Years Old. “It Was Police Entrapment.”
My name is Harold Kooden, and I was born in Chicago. We moved to California, North Hollywood, California. At about eleven, I discovered quite accidentally in one of the johns in t...

Discovering Sexuality–And A Handsome Prayer Buddy–At A Christian College
My name is Shawn Walker and I’m originally from Columbia, South Carolina. I can remember when I was really young at like 11 years old living in Louisiana. My parents were statio...

I’m From Portland, OR.
Momma loved pretty. She kept all her pretty locked up in a turquoise travel case that she hid in the back of her closet. I remember being about five (or maybe six) years old and s...

I’m From London, England.
I miss one thing. I grew up in a classic 70’s burb. No gays. All whites. Little life. Worse: nylon clothes. Worst: no deli. At 13 I forged a heart-bond with a mate at school. We...

I’m From Hagerstown, MD.
I don’t know when I first realized that I found girls attractive, but I have for as long as I can remember. I was raised first as a Christian, then a few years as a Quaker, then...

I’m From Toronto, ON, Canada.
When I was thirteen a friend of mine was working in a corner store where, unknown to the owner, was clipping out photographs from Playboy and Penthouse. My friend had hit puberty,...

I’m From Pleasantville, NJ – Video Story.
My name is Ann Helfrich and I’m from Pleasantville, New Jersey. Swear to God. Pleasantville. Okay, so, there’s this whole thing about, when did you know you were gay? Right? A...

I’m From San Francisco, CA.
A letter to myself at 19. I am transmitting from the not too distant future, 23 years to be exact. Young man, whoa boy…just wait, you don’t know what is waiting for you down t...

I’m From Mammoth, CA.
In sixth grade my attraction towards girls began to shift towards guys. In high school the thoughts and feelings only got worse. They became frequent and intense. I kept myself as...