Results for "coming out"
I’m From Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa.
I grew up knowing I was different, but also realizing that I needed to conform. To religious attitudes, to what my family wanted, to what I realized was the “norm.” I was very...
I’m From St. Louis, MO – Video Story
Interested in being in a Video Story? Just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. My name’s Chuck Doerrer and I’m fr...
I’m From West Palm Beach, FL.
I attended the local arts middle-high school in West Palm (its abbreviated name to the locals), and it was cool to be gay! Well, maybe “cool” isn’t the best word, but being ...
I’m From Randallstown, MD.
Even as a little boy, I knew I was different. I walked around my house in my mother’s heels at age 6. I had my first crush on a boy at age 7. Then when I was 8, I changed school...
I’m From Bellingham, WA.
I was raised in the burbs of Minneapolis, MN. I knew I was “gay” (we didn’t have that word back in the early 60s), when I was 8-10 years old. Feeling different than the othe...
I’m From Silver Spring, MD.
My coming out to my parents was never a choice. I never intended to do it when I did. It was late one night when I was at my grandparents’ house with my dad and my brother. I gu...
I’m From Spartanburg, SC.
Somewhere down the line the idea gets passed along that everyone’s life is unique, down to the tiniest minutia, and at the same time we are all connected due to our similar life...
I’m From Clarkston, MI.
At the young age of 5 I had my first homosexual experience of any sort. I took another boys hand while in line to walk out for recess and I kissed it like I saw in those Disney mo...
I’m From Maple Grove, MN – Video Story
Interested in being in a Video Story? Just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. For the transcript, Continue Reading. ...