Results for "crystal meth"

Gay Man Reconnects with Family After Overcoming Shame and Learning to Live Authentically
Hey, I’m Chauncey Dandridge. I’m from Harrison, New Jersey. My family was very macho. There was always sports on the television. I’m one of three boys, grew upSo I had already been a club kid, partying, doing ecstasy, doing this and that, but I think right after 9/11 is when I picked up doing crystal, crystal meth. I would use it to hav...

Gay Man Confronts Mental Illness, Addiction And His HIV Diagnosis With The Help Of Others. “I Found My Place In The Gay Community.”
So my name is Coleman Goode. I’m from Hallettsville, Texas. When I was 25 years old, I checked myself into a mental hospital because I tried to commit suicide. I, also, at that ...

“I Don’t Want To Die.” How A Gay Man Overcame His Meth Addiction.
Hi, I’m Vernon Magsino and I’m from Chicago. I was 15 years old and I was in my sophomore year of high school. I went to a Catholic Jesuit high school. It was one morning, I w...

I’m From Fort Worth, TX.
In the gay world you come across so much drugs. Pot is pretty much common place wherever you go. Some harder ones might even be pretty easy to come by in other circles. But I’ve...