Results for "daughter"

“That’s My Daughter”: Construction Dad Doesn’t Hesitate to Support Trans Woman
My name is Sasha Buchert and I’m from Portland, Oregon. When I was younger, Iike a lot of people, I didn’t have the greatest relationship with my dad. We just weren&And it just made me see that, my dad loved me and saw me and supported me. Even at the risk of social cost. I know that this person obviously knew that I was transgender. But my d...

Trans Parenthood: Daughter’s Birth Inspires Woman to Live Authentically.
Hi, I’m Sharlot and I am from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I have a 3-year-old daughter. She was born three months before the start of the pandemic. And so I was still Eventually, I come out to my parents who are very supportive. I come out to my ex and we decide that it’s best to separate. I start socially transitioning, and I just start ...

Rosa’s Journey From “All Gays Should Go To Hell” to Loving Her Lesbian Daughters.
I’m Rosa Manriquez and I’m from Los Angeles. When people ask me what I am, if I’m LGBTQA, what am I, I tell people I’m neither. I don’t identify by my sexuality, I’m a...

I’m From Alamogordo, NM – Video Story.
Josie: The way I found out about my daughter was that she went out one night and I was very angry. The next morning is when she came out and told me she was gay. And I didn’t ac...

I’m From Spokane, WA – Video Story.
If you’re interested in being in a Video Story, just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. For the transcript, Contin...