Results for "death"

Put It In Writing: Gay Man Learns Tough Lesson After Losing His Partner – and Everything They Built.
Hello, my name is Alfred Engstrand. I’m from San Antonio, Texas. When I was 25 years old, I was approached by an older gentleman who needed my help to run his restaurant, In 48 hours, the business, she inherited the restaurant, our home that we just got. My father, for the first time came to my rescue, and he was worried about me, and he thought I ...

“I Don’t Want You To Go.” Gay Soldier Dares to Love Amidst a Backdrop of War & Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
I’m João Kiser from Milledgeville, Georgia. I came out when I was 16 and then I joined the military at 21, which was something I did not want to do because of the kind of mI remember the last day, the day before he left because they deployed – you go back really early in the morning. The hardest thing was getting up to go to work and he was li...

Gay Man Loses Loved One to Addiction & Learns “It Wasn’t Up to Me. It Was Up to Him.”
So my name is Peter Horjus. I’m from Grand Rapids, Michigan. I moved to New Orleans where we are now about 22 years ago. Frank and I met, my gosh, I guess it must have bee...

Queer Woman Honors Friend’s Life By Coming Out And Living Fearlessly.
My name is Jina and I’m from Marietta, Georgia. When I was growing up in Marietta, which is this majority white conservative suburb of Atlanta, I was very much an outsider. I al...

Story Update: Michael Anastasio on Grief, the Holidays, and the Healing Power of Laughter.
Nathan: Hello, welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking with Michael Anastasio who shared his story with us about four years ago. Before we spea...

Rizzo To The Rescue: Dog Offers Relief While Gay Man Grieves Loss Of Partner.
My name is Ladislao Loera and I’m from Houston, Texas. I had been with my partner for about eighteen years. The last four years, he was fighting a terminal and rare cancer. He h...

“We Both Loved Each Other. We Were The Center Of Each Other’s Existence.”
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countEarly 1940s: “I Knew Way Back Then That I Was Gay.” When I was 7 or 8 years old, I noticed in the schoolyard, Public School 187, this beautiful young boy, golden boy. And I weAfter Meeting Bill In The Early 1950’s, “We Were Together For 54 Wonderful, Glorious Years.” When I was 18, I came back to New York, to Brooklyn. My father got me a furnisheDrafted in 1958: “My Eighteen Months Away Solidified Our Relationship.” In 1958, after five months with Bill, I got drafted. Bill would come down every Sunday to Fort Dix, bec“Who Are You!?” How A Domestic Partnership Helped During A Moment of Tragedy. Well, in 2003, we noticed in the New York Times that New York City was offering a domestic partneFamily Opens Up At Memorial For Late Partner: “We All Know. And We All Loved You And Uncle Ike.” Bill and I were together 54 years. I can truthfully say we could never get enoFamily Member To Ailing Gay Uncle: “You Still Have Time To Repent.” When I started getting on the computer and doing email and Facebook, Bill asked me, “What is Facebook all“You Need To Calm Down.” A Token of Love Becomes A Lifelong Passion. Bill told me, three months after we met and I got my draft notice and I was drafted and I was sent for 18 ...

“Your Son Is Being Seen Around Town With Known Homosexuals.” Gay Life From The Sixties To Today.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count...

“He Helped Me Feel It Was Okay To Be Gay And Lutheran.”
I’m Rick Stuckey from Chicago, Illinois. I’m Lutheran. I grew up Lutheran. I went to a Lutheran high school. And I always felt a little different. It was summer, it was June, ...