Results for "diversity"

Non-Binary Excellence: How One Employee’s Authenticity Served as a Model for Others.
My name is Will Verchereau. I’m from Lansing, Michigan. In May 2011, I found myself freshly graduated from Michigan State University and crying alone in my closet in my apDuring the pandemic, I was starting to grow my hair out. I remember this moment where my hair was starting to curl. I looked in the mirror. I thought, “I have curly hair. Th...

Story Update: Ingrid Galvez Thorp on Diversity & Inclusion in the Workplace. “We Are Stronger When We Work Together.”
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking with Ingrid Galvez Thorp, whose story we filmed about four years ago. Before we talk to Ingrid,...

“The Brown Skin That I Am In”: Gay Filipino-American Finds Empowerment In Diversity.
Hi, my name is Christian Tanja and I’m from Bakersfield, California. A few years ago, when I was in college, I was sitting down at a restaurant with my then-boyfriend at the tim...