Results for "first love"

Bisexual Awakening from a Life-Changing Kiss
My name is Karine. I’m from Brooklyn, New York. I grew up in a very conservative… conservative environment in Haiti. We went to church every week, sometimes twice a weekAnd I had just this moment of understanding that I could actually be in love with a woman, and I could be with a woman. Even though I’d had those feelings before, when I was...

Love & Loss in Russia: How One Queer Person Drew a Valuable Lesson from Their Teenage Heartbreak.
My name is Irina Groushevaia and I’m from Moscow, Russia. When I was 16 years old, I was living with my estranged father because my mom abandoned me, and it was a difficulSt. Petersburg is on water so in the winter, it’s very very cold because it’s also very humid. And I was like, I can’t keep walking around and I just went to the airport to ...

First Love Compels Gay Man to Mend Fences with his Mom. “There is a Light at the End of the Tunnel.”
I’m Junior Suazo and I’m from Miami, Florida. My family is from Nicaragua. I’m a first generation college graduate and I come from a Catholic background. GrowiAs time progressed, I made the decision that since I was graduating, that I wanted to move to California, move with my husband. During that time, even though the transition of my ...

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count“1960s: In Retrospect, I Think Of Him As My First Love.” I had this friend in in high school. He was clearly my best friend. We didn’t use words like that necessarily, but hKicked Out Of Monastery in 1969: “They Noticed My Homosexuality Before I Did.” So I’d been, all together, I was in the monastery for six years. From the time I graduated higFirst Meaningful Sexual Experience As An Adult: “I Knew That Meant I Was Gay.” So in 1969, after having been in a monastery for six years, I left. And I returned first brieflyFollowing Gay Man’s First Protest In 1970: “I Knew Where My Place Was.” It was in the summer of probably 1970. I had recently, the fall before, left the monastery that I hadProtest At Radio City Music Hall: “There’s A Great Deal Of Fun In Standing Up For Yourself.” It must’ve been about 19, probably 71, maybe 70. I’m bad at dates but in thaOne Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots. If you want to have an idea of what it was like even in New York City or New York State in the early seventieFollowing The Funeral Of A Gay Friend: “I Left That Church Promising Myself Never To Go Back In.” So after being a gay activist in New York City for about five years – so ro...

Inspired By Ex, Gay Journalist Finds Courage To Call Out Producers For Ignoring Gay Issues.
I’m Alan Conter and I’m from Montreal. In 1972, when I was 17, I was a student at McGill University and unsure of my sexuality. One day, I went to an audition for a play calle...

I’m From Hong Kong.
I think it started with memes. Liking and tagging each other in outrageous Facebook posts was addictive. Only then I didn’t know that this was your way of flirting with me. Very...

I’m From Tucson, AZ.
My horoscope once said that with a new planetary shift it will be the end of “me” consciousness and the beginning of “us” consciousness. I will suddenly shift from self-ce...

I Told My Boyfriend I Love Him. His Response Was…
My name is Michael Coulter and I’m from Flint, Michigan. I feel like my life really began when I turned 18 and moved out of my parents house to go to college. It was a time of �...

Gay, Closeted, and Heartbroken in Morocco.
My name is Anthony Mercurio and I’m from San Francisco. In 2009 I studied abroad and lived in Morocco, studying Arabic. I came out of the closet when I was very young, I was 15....