Results for "first time"

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.

by Richard Wandel

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.

“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count“1960s: In Retrospect, I Think Of Him As My First Love.” I had this friend in in high school. He was clearly my best friend. We didn’t use words like that necessarily, but hKicked Out Of Monastery in 1969: “They Noticed My Homosexuality Before I Did.” So I’d been, all together, I was in the monastery for six years. From the time I graduated higFirst Meaningful Sexual Experience As An Adult: “I Knew That Meant I Was Gay.” So in 1969, after having been in a monastery for six years, I left. And I returned first brieflyFollowing Gay Man’s First Protest In 1970: “I Knew Where My Place Was.” It was in the summer of probably 1970. I had recently, the fall before, left the monastery that I hadProtest At Radio City Music Hall: “There’s A Great Deal Of Fun In Standing Up For Yourself.” It must’ve been about 19, probably 71, maybe 70. I’m bad at dates but in thaOne Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots. If you want to have an idea of what it was like even in New York City or New York State in the early seventieFollowing The Funeral Of A Gay Friend: “I Left That Church Promising Myself Never To Go Back In.” So after being a gay activist in New York City for about five years – so ro...

Gay Man’s Journey To Acceptance: “I’m Muslim. I’m Gay. And I’m Totally Okay With That.”

by Tolga

Gay Man’s Journey To Acceptance: “I’m Muslim. I’m Gay. And I’m Totally Okay With That.”

My name is Tolga and I’m from Malatya, Turkey. It’s a small, conservative town and we are all raised conservative as well. I remember every time I was going to school, some of...

Gay Twins Come Out To Each Other, Then To Mom.

by Ron Malott

Gay Twins Come Out To Each Other, Then To Mom.

My name is Ron Malott and I’m from Kyle, Texas. So being from a big family and there being so many of us, I guess because my twin brother and I were sort of special and in the m...

“Be Happy. The Gay Brotherhood Demands This Of You.”

by Dave White

“Be Happy. The Gay Brotherhood Demands This Of You.”

My name is Dave White, I’m a writer and I live in Los Angeles. I grew up in southeastern New Mexico. When I was 17 years old in 1982 my family was living in a little town called...

Satellite overhead image of Washington State from Google Earth 2022

by Eric Pitsenbarger

I’m From Seattle, WA.

I remember walking home from Scott’s little house in the bright early morning feeling triumphant, jubilant! Finally I knew! I knew and was ecstatic! In my seventeen years of dou...

Satellite overhead image of Utah from Google Earth 2022
I’m From Price, UT.

In the backyard of my childhood home, there stood an elevated hut that my father had built for us to play in as children. It was a marvelous structure and provided us and our frie...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Tim Stapleton

I’m From Haymond, KY.

“May I go outside in the yard?” I asked, interrupting the conversation. “Sure,” said the man. “Make yourself at home.” It’s been nearly forty years, I thought. Is th...

Satellite overhead image of North Dakota from Google Earth 2022

by Rod Wright

I’m From Killdeer, ND.

I swear the waitress worked there since the buffalo roamed freely. I had disliked her since we moved to Killdeer a few years earlier. I was in shock over the little town and just ...

Satellite overhead image of Pennsylvania from Google Earth 2022

by Chuck Zito

I’m From Johnstown, PA.

“I’d like to audition, please.” It was his voice that did it; the sound of it, setting a pattern for a lifetime’s infatuation with pitch and timber. It was deep and resona...


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