Results for "genderqueer"

TikTok Helps Genderqueer Teen Realize Their True Self. “This is Who I Am. This is How I Feel.”
My name is Li. I’m from Somers, New York. My parents never forced gender norms on me. I never had super masculine or feminine toys as a kid or clothing. They let me lean tThis epiphany was really important to me because all of my childhood, I was so focused on liking men and the TV shows and movies I watched, I was like, “No, that man’s...

After Therapist Outs Student To Parents & Turns School Against Her, Trans Teen Finds a Way to Thrive.
I’m Arielle Rebekah. I am from Harrington Park, New Jersey. I struggled with depression my entire life. And when I was 17 years old, I became so depressed that my parents decide...

Traumatic House Fire Experience Leads Genderqueer Person To Accept Themselves: “The More I Go Down this Journey, the Happier I Become.”
Hi. My name is Emmet Hunker and I’m from Washington DC. I had just gotten back from my solo travels around the world, and I was sitting on the couch of a friend who I was crashi...

“My Life Was In Danger.” Genderqueer Venezuelan Seeks Asylum In The United States.
My name is Ilo and I’m from Caracas, Venezuela. When I was – it was 10 years ago, or something like that, I was in Venezuela. I used to practice medicine there. At the time, I...

Lipstick Lesbian Awareness Party Leads To Life-Changing Epiphany
I’m Dubbs Weinblatt, I’m from Columbus, Ohio. One day when I was 20 years old back when I was at Ohio State, I had been having a lot of trouble drinking. I was drinking all th...

One Group Says “Act Like A Man.” One Group Says “Femme It Up.” Icon Does Neither.
My name is Icon, and I’m from Philadelphia, PA. I’ve always had a fascination with arts and performance and theater, growing up watching people like Michael Jackson or Janet J...

Soccer Mom Takes Tomboy To The Gap To “Fix” Their Gender
My name is Renee and I grew up in Herndon, Virginia. When I was in middle school and early high school I was a pretty big tomboy. My mom was pretty cool with that actually, I was ...

“I Wish I Could Show Myself At 13 Who I Am Now.” Genderqueer Expression Leads To Empowerment.
My name is Jacob Tobia and I’m from Raleigh, North Carolina. By the time I was around 16, I came out to my parents as gay. I thought I was done, that was it. And then I started ...

IFD Live: “Queering Things Up” At Doggy Daycare.
I’m from The Bronx. When I was 8 or 9 years old I was really into this show called Pepper Ann. And it was this cartoon about this skinny red-head girl with glasses named Pepper ...