Results for "generation difference"

We’re From Salt Lake City, UT – Video Story.
We met Jeffrey and Jon on the Story Tour just a few days before Jeffrey’s grandmother, who’s mentioned in the story, came to visit. As they explain in the video, Indian cultJeffrey writes: The long and short of it is, Jon came with me to our family dinner (kids and spouses) with Dadi (Grandma). Jon was clearly my companion at dinner. Not much was saiI’m Jonathan Bass, and I’m from Salt Lake. I’m Jeffrey Daniels and I’m from Carlsbad, New Mexico. (Jeffrey) We met actually, probably around 2005. Actually January of 2005...

I’m From Merrimack, NH.
Today I was going to go to my school’s GSA but instead I went to a therapist appointment. I’m so glad I did. I went in, pissed that I was not expressing my gayness in a room f...