Results for "healthcare"

Queer Sikh Man Uses Visibility and Experience in Healthcare to Help and Empower Others.
My name is Sundeep Singh Boparai. My pronouns are he, him, his, and I’m from Queens, New York. I was a senior in undergrad and my mom was actually making lunch for me. AndSo I decided to go to Hofstra University, where I studied Master’s of Healthcare Administration. Once I graduated, I was like, I need to join a large health system. I joined...

Homophobic Experience at Medical Center Leads Trans Student to Change Entire Life Path.
My name is Tavish McMillin. I am from Marietta, Oklahoma. I devoted myself to music all through high school, all through middle school, actually, too. And I decided that, you know...

“These Are Incredible Women.” Lesbian’s Bout With Cancer Opens Mother’s Eyes.
I’m Simone Federman and I’m from Buffalo, New York. My father was a professor, experimental fiction writer, and he was very comfortable with the fact that we were incredibly c...

“Where’s The Real Mother?” Lesbian Mom Confronts Microaggressions In Hospital After Daughter’s Birth.
I am Karen Rayne and I’m from Austin, Texas. Sixteen months ago, my wife was in labor and it was a planned home birth and a long labor that ended up with my wife having a fever,...

Young Man Reevaluates Priorities Following HIV Scare
My name is Arron Seams, I’m from Lewisburg, West Virginia. When I was looking at schools, colleges, I knew I wanted to go some place bigger to have experiences that I couldn’t...

“I’ll Be Damned If I’m Going To Be Buried A Girl.” Gender Transition Gives HIV+ Trans Man Reason To Live
My name is Teo Drake, I actually grew up in Connecticut, near New Haven. The story basically is this intersection or this way of looking at my struggle around gender identity and ...