Results for "HIV/AIDS"

“I’ll Be Damned If I’m Going To Be Buried A Girl.” Gender Transition Gives HIV+ Trans Man Reason To Live

by Teo Drake

“I’ll Be Damned If I’m Going To Be Buried A Girl.” Gender Transition Gives HIV+ Trans Man Reason To Live

My name is Teo Drake, I actually grew up in Connecticut, near New Haven. The story basically is this intersection or this way of looking at my struggle around gender identity and ...

Satellite overhead image of New York State from Google Earth 2022

by Evelyne Bize

I’m From New York, NY.

Ken came to work at 7 am sharp every day and left at 3, not a minute later. I tried to point out to him that his workday was scheduled for 9 to 5. He usually just nodded to me and...

AIDS Activist and Radio DJ Explain How Their Relationship Works

by Jim Schneider and Edward Strickler

AIDS Activist and Radio DJ Explain How Their Relationship Works

Edward Strickler would rather talk about his AIDS activism. Jim would rather talk about his favorite African guitarist, Diblo Dibala. They met in 1981 and have been together since...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Wolf Warren

I’m From Revere, MA.

Life is a road full of choosing to go left or right. Many turns, good and bad, have brought me here today. Having just turned 46 I find myself reflective these days. I have had fu...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Craig Osterberg

I’m From South Portland, ME.

I was 15 years old when I came out to my parents in 1976. Actually, my 15-year-old boyfriend “confessed” to his parents about us, and I was outed in that way. My dad was a ret...

“AIDS Will Not Be The Boss of Me.”

by Erik Walton

“AIDS Will Not Be The Boss of Me.”

Erik Walton has had HIV for over 20 years. He’s lost over 300 friends to AIDS. And he just lost his best friend to the disease 4 years ago. Despite all this, Erik will not allow...

24-Year-Old Remembers His HIV Positive Diagnosis and the Hateful Words That Followed

by Chris Richey

24-Year-Old Remembers His HIV Positive Diagnosis and the Hateful Words That Followed

Soon after 24-year-old Chris Richey found out he was HIV positive, he had an unfortunate incident in his own home with a friend of his roommate’s: This guy says something about ...

Fighting Against Gay and HIV Stigma In Churches.

by Dwayne Carl

Fighting Against Gay and HIV Stigma In Churches.

Dwayne Carl has a message for the world, and churches in particular: “I’m HIV-positive; GET OVA IT!” Dwayne’s been active in the church community his entire life and HIV-pDwayne wrote a book titled, “Out of My Second Closet: I Have AIDS, Get OVA It.” You can read more about it and purchase it on his website. ...

Gay Airman Randy Phillips Wants His Generation To Talk About AIDS.

by Randy Phillips

Gay Airman Randy Phillips Wants His Generation To Talk About AIDS.

This week, guest videographer and editor Matthew Ladensack and I are accompanying the more than 2700 riders and volunteers of the AIDS LifeCycle and collecting their stories. If...