Results for "home"

Satellite overhead image of New York State from Google Earth 2022

by Jessica Max Stein

I’m From Schenectady, NY.

I drove past the house this weekend. Some goateed stout guy I’d never seen before sat on the front steps nonchalantly reading a magazine. The nerve of him, the trespasser, spraw...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Billy Clem

I’m From Marshfield, MO.

Each time I approach Exit 100 on I-44 to drive into my hometown, Marshfield, MO, my heart beats fast enough to move the car without my depressing the gas pedal. Yes, twenty years ...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Tim Stapleton

I’m From Haymond, KY.

“May I go outside in the yard?” I asked, interrupting the conversation. “Sure,” said the man. “Make yourself at home.” It’s been nearly forty years, I thought. Is th...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Robert Maril

I’m From Ponca City, OK.

I only get to go home about once a year.  No matter what my father may say, his sage advice that New York is my home now, that Ponca City, Oklahoma is just where I grew up, that ...


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