Results for "home"

I’m From Schenectady, NY.
I drove past the house this weekend. Some goateed stout guy I’d never seen before sat on the front steps nonchalantly reading a magazine. The nerve of him, the trespasser, spraw...

I’m From Marshfield, MO.
Each time I approach Exit 100 on I-44 to drive into my hometown, Marshfield, MO, my heart beats fast enough to move the car without my depressing the gas pedal. Yes, twenty years ...

I’m From Haymond, KY.
“May I go outside in the yard?” I asked, interrupting the conversation. “Sure,” said the man. “Make yourself at home.” It’s been nearly forty years, I thought. Is th...

I’m From Ponca City, OK.
I only get to go home about once a year. No matter what my father may say, his sage advice that New York is my home now, that Ponca City, Oklahoma is just where I grew up, that ...
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