Results for "homophobia"

Gay Aunt Becomes Queer Person’s Beacon of Hope Amid Homophobic Family
My name is Kirsten and I’m from Queens, New York. So when I was growing up, me and my aunt, my mother’s sister, were very close. There was an intensity to that closeAnd I had been suspecting at that point for years that she was, so I finally just asked her, “Are you queer?” I didn’t say, “Are you queer?” I was li...

Hate Hits Home: How One Queer Couple’s Lives Were Upended By the 2016 Election.
My name is Jovier Sanchez and I’m from New York, New York. So I moved to Salem with my husband in 2015. We opened a candle store there and it was on the first floor of theI want to say within a week and a half to two, and it was that dramatic, the drop-off for the business that we were initially getting was almost… like, it was night and day. We ...

Gay Man Reunites with Estranged Father After Seven Years. “It Takes Time But You Gotta Work at It.”
Hi, my name is Nick from Toms River, New Jersey. I was in my mid 20s living in New York City. I met a guy, I went home with him. We had a really wonderful night. We decided that wShe looked at him and she said, “If you ever talk to my nephew like that again, I will kill you. You will be out of this house. That is it.” And literally my uncle jus...

Gay Woman Leaves Gendered Uniforms & Homophobic Colleagues Behind for a More Welcoming Workplace.
I’m Leoni Terblanche from Pretoria, South Africa. Ever since I remember when I was a child, my mom put me in dresses, until age six, where I started making my own decisionI was able to thrive discovering this beautiful, diverse and inclusive culture that we have over here. I met with my beautiful wife that I married. I was able to find jobs that I ...

After Homophobic Encounter in Jamaica, Lesbian Moves To US and Becomes LGBTQIA+ Affirming Counselor.
My name is Kimberly. I’m from Ocho Rios, Jamaica. When I was 10, I started at an all girls boarding school there. I remember getting there and I was pretty overwhelmed. I I didn’t sleep that entire night because I was just thinking, like, What’s about to happen tomorrow morning when I had to face the entire school? The morning I woke up...

After Being Called the F-Word at a Straight Wedding, Gay Man Immerses Himself in the Queer Community.
My name is Marc Barrett, and I’m from Belchertown, Massachusetts. In the late 70s, when I was basically on the road with a band as a musician and entertainer, I had to wat...

Lesbian Mom Protects Her Kids From Their Homophobic Grandfather. “You Won’t Disrespect Them.”
I am Chevon Cleveland and I am from Yonkers, New York. When I was 17 years old, my mom passed away. But my -, and I never knew my dad up until that point. In 2015, I was turning 3...

After Homophobic Assault, Gay Middle Eastern Man Refuses to Hide His Identity. “Yes, I Identify as a Gay Man.”
My name is Jawad Bandar. I’m from the port city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. When I was 15 years old, still living in Jeddah, I happen to be the one of my friends who had the bigg...

Homophobic Experience at Medical Center Leads Trans Student to Change Entire Life Path.
My name is Tavish McMillin. I am from Marietta, Oklahoma. I devoted myself to music all through high school, all through middle school, actually, too. And I decided that, you know...