Results for "Illinois"

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.
Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

From Dance Class to Bible Study to Basic Training, Queer Woman Finally Finds Her Identity.
My name is Staci Molinar, and I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I grew up in an upper-middle class suburb that was very diverse, and very inclusive, and welcoming for all individuals....

Homophobic Experience at Medical Center Leads Trans Student to Change Entire Life Path.
My name is Tavish McMillin. I am from Marietta, Oklahoma. I devoted myself to music all through high school, all through middle school, actually, too. And I decided that, you know...

High School Bully Instills Confidence In Gay Classmate. “Remind Yourself of the Truth.”
Hi, my name is Remy Wilbanks. I am from Chicago, Illinois. My story kind of starts out with my mom falling down a flight of stairs, aand she had me prematurely at one pound, five ...

Queer Iraqi Woman Breaks Down the Closet Door. “This Is Not a Way to Live.”
I’m Alaa Wasfie. I’m from Baghdad, Iraq. In 2003, I was 13 years old during the American-Iraqi war. My grandmother wanted us, the entire family, to be together in one house so...

Trans Man’s Father Goes From Apprehensive to Ally: “I Know That My Dad Is In My Corner.”
Hi, I’m Grey Pierce. I’m from Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania. So I was in my last quarter of my freshman year at Oberlin College and I was taking my exams. Since I had been living ...

Chicago Drag Queen Suffers Violent Assault & Partial Blindness But Bounces Back “With Love and Positivity.”
Hey, I’m Saya Naomi and I am from Chicago, Illinois. So four years ago, my ex and I were having a night and we ended up drinking a lot. Drinking led to us getting annoyed and an...

One Person’s Path To Nonbinary Identity: “Having Doubt and Uncertainty Doesn’t Make Me a Fraud. It Makes Me Human.”
Hi, my name is Rae McDaniel. I’m from Chicago, Illinois. I was in a place in my life about four or five years ago where I was really questioning a lot about my gender identity a...

Story Update: Shellie and Randi “Transition is Such a Unique Experience for Each and Every Person That Goes Through It.”
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. This week, we’re actually going to be speaking with two storytellers who shared their story together with us 10 years ago, Shelli...