Results for "inspiration"

“People Started Referring To Me As A Monster.” A Gay Man’s Struggle With Alcohol
My name is Alexander Kacala, I’m from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I never really drank or partied in high school until I turned about 18 and that’s when I discovered alcohol. ...

“I’ll Be Damned If I’m Going To Be Buried A Girl.” Gender Transition Gives HIV+ Trans Man Reason To Live
My name is Teo Drake, I actually grew up in Connecticut, near New Haven. The story basically is this intersection or this way of looking at my struggle around gender identity and ...

After Struggling With Homelessness, Angela Makes a Better Life For Herself.
My name is Angela Louis, I’m from Brooklyn, NY. Ever since I was born I knew something was different. I knew I was born in the wrong body. Wanting to have a boyfriend and wantin...

I’m From Mayflower, AR – Video Story.
Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can follow us on our adventure. If you haven’t submitted a story yet to IFD, or ifI’m Jeremy Craig and I’m from Mayflower, Arkansas. I really just sort of grew up in a bubble not knowing gay people. And then when I came out in college I became a slut. And f...

I’m From Baltimore, MD.
In the summer of 1990 I discovered music. I had been collecting albums since 1983, the year I bought my first records, Cyndi Lauper and Culture Club. But in 1990 it all changed. I...

I’m From Lansing, MI.
To the kid whom I know best: Trey – You may not believe it but there are people in this world who understand you. Even at your age, I am amazed by how acquainted you are with pa...