Results for "International"

Love & Loss in Russia: How One Queer Person Drew a Valuable Lesson from Their Teenage Heartbreak.
My name is Irina Groushevaia and I’m from Moscow, Russia. When I was 16 years old, I was living with my estranged father because my mom abandoned me, and it was a difficulSt. Petersburg is on water so in the winter, it’s very very cold because it’s also very humid. And I was like, I can’t keep walking around and I just went to the airport to ...

From Texas to Taiwan, Gay Man Overcomes Fear By Coming Out Again and Again
Hi, I’m Leon Yuan. I grew up in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. As a teenager growing up in Taiwan, I always knew I was gay. My biggest fear at the time was that if I were to come out to...

Trans Non-Binary Person Discovers Himself During the Pandemic. “I Feel Super Great to Have Dared.”
Mi nombre es Río y soy de Sonora, México. En el 2015 estaba en un proyecto que se llamaba “Voces de mujeres, historias que transforman”, donde éramos un grupo de compañera...

Queer Iraqi Woman Breaks Down the Closet Door. “This Is Not a Way to Live.”
I’m Alaa Wasfie. I’m from Baghdad, Iraq. In 2003, I was 13 years old during the American-Iraqi war. My grandmother wanted us, the entire family, to be together in one house so...

After a Nearly Fatal Bout with Depression, Gay Man Learns to “Smile for Yourself” And Live Authentically.
I’m David. I’m from Toronto, Ontario in Canada. Back when I was in high school, I was watching this YouTube video of this YouTuber. He was gay at the time. When I saw his vide...

How a Straight Cis Ally Became a Leading Writer on HIV/AIDS & LGBTQ+ Issues.
Hello. My name is Alina Oswald. I’m from Valcea, Romania. In 1986, my mother, who was an infectious disease doctor, invited me to join her in attending a conference in Buchare...

“Smart Geek Girls” and Gay Comic Book Fanfic Lead Queer Author To Write Authentically
My name is J. Marshall Freeman and I’m from Toronto, Canada. When I was 13 years old, I was a pretty normal kid reading my X-Men comics and living a pretty happy life. I come fr...

Story Update: Nicholas Deroose – Current Queer Struggles—And Progress—In Singapore.
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today we’re going to talk to Nicholas Deroose, who now lives in Singapore. We filmed his story, 11 years ago this month. But befo...

Gay Man Forgives His Family For Traumatic Childhood. “I Did That For Myself Because I Needed To Heal.”
Hello. My name is Luis and I’m from Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic. My mother was intermittently present. She used to live in a different city. My father wasn’t around or wa...