Results for "Latino"

Kicked Out of the Military for Being Gay: One Man’s Experience During “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

by James Garcia

Kicked Out of the Military for Being Gay: One Man’s Experience During “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”

Hi, my name is James Garcia and I am from New York City.  In 1996, I enlisted in the Air Force. During that time, don’t ask, don’t tell was in place. That means the mI eventually gave the commander of the base at that time a letter disclosing who I am. v The conversation moved to “Well, we’re going to ask you to leave the base now,...

Rosa’s Journey From “All Gays Should Go To Hell” to Loving Her Lesbian Daughters.

by Rosa Manriquez

Rosa’s Journey From “All Gays Should Go To Hell” to Loving Her Lesbian Daughters.

I’m Rosa Manriquez and I’m from Los Angeles. When people ask me what I am, if I’m LGBTQA, what am I, I tell people I’m neither. I don’t identify by my sexuality, I’m a...