Results for "Long Island"

“I’m a Son. I’m a Gay Man. I’m a Teacher. I’m a Christian.” Gay Man Learns to Embrace His Whole Self.
I’m Patrick Tirino. I’m from Astoria, New York. I always knew I was gay from a very, very small age. I could vividly remember a picture that’s still in my motherSo then I start working. I get a job as a teacher. Christmas approaches of that year and as most Italian families, the holidays are a big deal. I was like, how am I not spending a...

Egyptt LaBeija – Life In And Out Of The Ballroom.
1980s: Seeing Trans Women For The First Time: “I Felt Welcomed.” I grew up in a town in Long Island called Freeport. And I grew up basically in a middle-class home. My parentsLate 1980s: Overcoming Homelessness, Joblessness And Abuse: “There’s Always a Way Out Of A Bad Situation If You Want A Way Out.” In the late eighties, when I finally left myLate 1990s: From Walking Balls To Mentoring Youth: “It Taught Me That You Have To Step Outside The Box.” In the late nineties is when I went to my first ball. It was interesti2010s: Giving Back To The Community. “I Am Here Today To Let People Know That They Are Somebody.” So in 2015 is when I was asked to be in the House of LaBeija. It was intense ...

I’m From Long Island, NY.
I’m a late bloomer. I came out…(I always have to figure it up) 16 years ago, when i was 33. Between one moment and the next, one as a straight person, the next as a…not stra...