Results for "los angeles"

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Kenneth

I’m From Los Angeles, CA.

Leviticus 18:22: “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman, that is detestable.” 4 years ago for Sabbath School I had to know that verse along with a handful of others d...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Cashmere Ferragamo

I’m From Los Angeles, CA.

NOTE: Sylvia’s Place is an emergency night shelter and daytime community space for homeless LGBTQ youth, 16-24, in New York City. Every story this week will by someone from Sy...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Bruce Ransom

I’m From Sulphur, LA.

After picking up my 72-year-young mother at LAX, we arrived at my apartment in West Hollywood. Walking up the steps to my building, me carrying her huge luggage (bigger than her 5...


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