Results for "March on Washington"

After Gay Man Comes Out as HIV+, Parents Evolve From Ambivalence to Activism. “I Couldn’t Be More Proud of Them.”
My name is Bart Loeser and I’m from Houston, Texas. So it was summer, early summer of 1986. And my best friend who was my roommate previously had just moved to San Francisco a c...

“It Ain’t Over Till The Bisexual Speaks.” Activist Fights For Bi Inclusion Throughout The Decades.
From Living As A Straight Housewife to Becoming A Lesbian Activist. “It Was An Amazing Awakening.” I was conceived in Hawaii. This is how the story goes – conceived in Haw...

“A Matter of Life and Death.” Being Black and Gay in the 1960s.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the countDictionary Makes Gay Teen Feel Less Alone One of the significant characterizations of the period that I spent in high school in the mid-60s – from ‘63 to ‘67 was that one da1960s: “I Was in a Process of Falling in Love at First Sight.” One of my life experiences that I like to share dates back to my early teen years. Back in the 1960s, I was 19 yBeing Black and Gay in the 1960s: A Matter of Life and Death My late teen years, when I was at university, were times that were really life and death-related times for people my a“It Was Extraordinary”: Man Asks Man On A Date In 1967 Another significant incident from my youth, from my late adolescence, happened in 1967, my first year at university. I w“[My Mother’s] Number One Duty Was To Be An Accepting Parent.” I went to my first march on Washington 48 years ago in 1969 in the moratorium march against the war. And what Racism At A Gay Bar: “It Was Shocking. It Was Hurtful. I Teared Up Right There.” I did have some experiences from later in life that were significant to me. One happened aboutLiving In LGBT-Friendly Senior Housing: “We Live Like Neighbors. And That’s A Good Thing.” Today, I am 67. Well, actually, 67 and a half, as my grandson would tell you. And ...