Results for "mental health"

Trans Man Breaks Free From Evangelical Cult and Finds Supportive Community.
I’m Andy, and I’m from Tallahassee, Florida. So I was raised in an evangelical cult. I didn’t realize that at the time. I thought this was a normal church and After I initially came out to that one friend, I started to take more chances on sharing, not just that I was non-binary, but other aspects of my life with more people. And one of...

“You Will Find Your Way.” Transgender Woman’s Multi-Stop–And Ongoing–Journey to Realizing Her Identity.
My name is Samantha. I’m from Houston, Texas. When I was in college, just kind of finishing my degree at University of Texas in Austin, I started dating this guy whom I haI went to France to effectively be a student teacher in Toulouse. It was something I wanted to do, but turned out to be way more difficult than I anticipated. I was living off a r...

At His Lowest Point, Gay Man Finds Escape in Creating Music. “I’m Happier Than I’ve Ever Been.”
Hi, my name is Kelvin Bloodsaw. I’m from Martinez, California. I grew up in Philadelphia. I was raised by my mom, single mother. We lived with my grandmother. Ever since I was y...

After Series of Incidents, How One Person Learned to Stop “Letting It Go” & Start “Naming My Needs.”
My name is Christian Luu. I’m from Dallas, Texas. And before the pandemic, maybe four or five months, I was working at a pretty large national chain restaurant. Servers tend to ...

Gay Man Learns to Accept Himself After Reaching Low Point. “No Matter What Happens Now, I’m Comfortable With Who I Am.”
My name is John. I’m from Salt Lake City, Utah. One of the first times I encountered anything to do with LGBT+ issues was when I was 10. I was watching the news with my mother, ...

Gay Man Overcomes Conversion Therapy, Sexual Abuse and Addiction. “I Look at Myself as a Survivor, Not a Victim.”
My name’s Mike Hendrix. I’m from Austin, Texas. As a young child, we moved to Singapore. I was around seven years of age. My parents became Baptist ministers and missionaries....

Story Update: Tom Wicker On Mental Health, Self-Care & The State Of Theater During Coronavirus.
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking with Tom Wicker, who is all the way over in the UK. But before we speak to Tom, let’s take a ...

Gay Man Confronts Mental Illness, Addiction And His HIV Diagnosis With The Help Of Others. “I Found My Place In The Gay Community.”
So my name is Coleman Goode. I’m from Hallettsville, Texas. When I was 25 years old, I checked myself into a mental hospital because I tried to commit suicide. I, also, at that ...

Gay Man Experiences Panic Attacks, Self-Harm And Crippling Depression Before Coming Out.
My name is Ben Conard and I’m from Setauket, New York. In college, I, you know, I was always kind of known as a go-getter and I worked really hard and I involved myself in every...