Results for "middle school"

I’m From Santa Rosa, CA.
My story started in Santa Rosa, California. I grew up incredibly sheltered and lived in a perfect world created by my mother. After my father passed away when I was a baby, she ma...

I’m From South Bend, IN.
I hail from South Bend, Indiana, where I grew up in a virtually non-homophobic environment. I did not witness any negativity from parents, teachers or other adults towards any of ...

I’m From Fayetteville, NY.
I’m from Fayetteville, NY. Okay, I don’t usually like to admit that. I just say “I’m from New York,” and let people assume I mean the city. I mean, I was born in the cit...

I’m From Crystal Lake, IL – Video Story.
If you’re interested in being in a Video Story, just let me know and we’ll set up a time and place to meet. Watch all the IFD Video Stories here. For the transcript, Contin...

I’m From Littleton, CO.
Not a lot of people go to the grocery store on weekday nights. A few people duck in after work, grab some bread or a gallon of milk, and zip out of there as fast as possible. Toni...

I’m From Turkey – Video Story
My name is Zee and I’m from Turkey. My story is about my father. When I was a kid, I was very different than the other kids. I remember they got me–my parents got me–toy tru...

I’m From Tehachapi, CA.
I remember the first time I realized that I wasn’t quite the same as all the other boys in my hometown. I had this best friend, who had been my best friend for years upon countl...

I’m From Sheboygan Falls, WI.
I spent my first year of college in Stevens Point, WI. A small community completely devoted to natural resources, forestry, and for some reason camouflage attire. Needless to say ...

I’m From Los Angeles, CA.
NOTE: Sylvia’s Place is an emergency night shelter and daytime community space for homeless LGBTQ youth, 16-24, in New York City. Every story this week will by someone from Sy...