Results for "navy"

Gay Veteran Reflects On Life In And Out Of The Navy.
1950s: Sailor Spends A Night In Jail After Gay Bar Is Raided. In 1952, I received what we call the SSS, Selected Service System envelope. Every young man who got one of those, of...

Remembering Life Under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: “I Don’t Got Time For This. I’m Not Going To Hide It.”
My name is George Agundez. I am from Calexico, California. Growing up, you know, I used to go to church and I would enjoy going to church. But there was always that time where I w...

I’m From Borger, TX.
I should never have made it, according to the doctors who treated me so many years ago for third degree burns on my back and buttocks after I was run over by a car at the age of 5...

I’m From Dearborn, MI.
“I stand for excellence and the fair treatment of all.” Dismissed. The last verse of the sailor’s creed was still ringing in my ear as I ran upstairs to my barracks room. Ju...

I’m From Den Helder, Netherlands.
How do you come out when you are a Navy officer? When you are sailing on a frigate with 250 men whose biggest insult to swing at each other is, “Yo, homo.”? But you also think...
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