Results for "polyamory"

From Open Relationship To Polyamorous Marriage: “Sometimes You Think You Know What You Want. And Then You Get Something Else.”

by June

From Open Relationship To Polyamorous Marriage: “Sometimes You Think You Know What You Want. And Then You Get Something Else.”

My name is June. I’m from Houston, Texas. At the beginning of 2018, I was in a relationship. It was a longer term relationship than I had ever been in. And he and I learned a lo...

“Mom…I’m Gay, Own a Porn Company, and Am In A Polyamorous Relationship.”

by Benjamine Heath

“Mom…I’m Gay, Own a Porn Company, and Am In A Polyamorous Relationship.”

I’m Benjamin and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona. I grew up with my mom who’s Filipino and also religious. A lot of Filipino families are very traditional and I remember growing u...

“We Didn’t Do It For Other People. We Did It For Ourselves.” Polyamorous Relationship Lasts 46 Years.

by Bob Lanning

“We Didn’t Do It For Other People. We Did It For Ourselves.” Polyamorous Relationship Lasts 46 Years.

My name is Bob Lanning and I’m from Altoona, Washington. Don and I met in San Francisco, October 1966. And we met at the Missouri Mule, and I heard him order a drink at the bar ...


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