Results for "Quebec"

Gay Man Comes Out To Friends, Then Family, Then 250 Co-Workers At The Same Time.
Hi. I’m Luis Carlo Parga and I’m from Montreéal, Québec. My grandmother and grandfather moved in from Italy, as did most of my friends, but I was half-Mexican as well. I rem...

Queer Professor Reflects On The Importance Of Strong Student-Teacher Bonds.
I’m Tom Waugh and I’m from Guelph, Ontario. I’ve been teaching at Concordia University for many decades. It was really only in the 80s I started teaching curriculum related ...

Inspired By Ex, Gay Journalist Finds Courage To Call Out Producers For Ignoring Gay Issues.
I’m Alan Conter and I’m from Montreal. In 1972, when I was 17, I was a student at McGill University and unsure of my sexuality. One day, I went to an audition for a play calle...

I’m From Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
My story is not about me but about friends I worked with a couple of years ago. I work at IKEA which tries to foster an environment of diversity and respect. So back then, the dir...