Results for "Religion"

Gay Student Expelled From Baptist University After Stunning Dean Of Students With Sexual Honesty.

by Dorian Woodruff

Gay Student Expelled From Baptist University After Stunning Dean Of Students With Sexual Honesty.

I’m Dorian Woodruff. I’m from New York City. When I was a freshman in college at a Baptist university, where there were lots of rules – there was “don’t do this, don’t...

Gay Man Strikes Back Against Conversion Therapy By Going Undercover And Exposing Anti-Gay Clinic.

by John Becker

Gay Man Strikes Back Against Conversion Therapy By Going Undercover And Exposing Anti-Gay Clinic.

My name is John Becker. I’m from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I knew I was gay long before I knew what word to attach to it. I knew that the feelings that I was feeling were directed t...

“I Love Carson Kressley!” How LGBTQ Visibility Helped Bridge A Family’s Divide.

by Atu Darko

“I Love Carson Kressley!” How LGBTQ Visibility Helped Bridge A Family’s Divide.

My name is Atu Darko and I’m from the Bronx, New York. I grew up in an immigrant family, in an immigrant community. So my parents are immigrants from Ghana, a small country in W...

Hinduism Helps Queer Woman Reconcile The Duality Of Her Gender And Sexuality.

by Neha Ghosh

Hinduism Helps Queer Woman Reconcile The Duality Of Her Gender And Sexuality.

My name is Neha Ghosh and I’m from Bridgewater, New Jersey. When I was very little, from the ages around maybe three to twelve, I was always the really awkward, really masculine...

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.

by Richard Wandel

One Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots.

“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count“1960s: In Retrospect, I Think Of Him As My First Love.” I had this friend in in high school. He was clearly my best friend. We didn’t use words like that necessarily, but hKicked Out Of Monastery in 1969: “They Noticed My Homosexuality Before I Did.” So I’d been, all together, I was in the monastery for six years. From the time I graduated higFirst Meaningful Sexual Experience As An Adult: “I Knew That Meant I Was Gay.” So in 1969, after having been in a monastery for six years, I left. And I returned first brieflyFollowing Gay Man’s First Protest In 1970: “I Knew Where My Place Was.” It was in the summer of probably 1970. I had recently, the fall before, left the monastery that I hadProtest At Radio City Music Hall: “There’s A Great Deal Of Fun In Standing Up For Yourself.” It must’ve been about 19, probably 71, maybe 70. I’m bad at dates but in thaOne Week As A Gay Activist in 1971: Rejection, Assault, and Gunshots. If you want to have an idea of what it was like even in New York City or New York State in the early seventieFollowing The Funeral Of A Gay Friend: “I Left That Church Promising Myself Never To Go Back In.” So after being a gay activist in New York City for about five years – so ro...

Church Organist Walks Out During Homophobic Sermon.

by Jason Biel

Church Organist Walks Out During Homophobic Sermon.

My name is Jason Biel and I’m from Lacombe, Alberta. I’m musician. I did my undergrad at a small Adventist university in Lacombe. It’s about as conservative as you can get. ...

1961: “I Couldn’t Bring Myself To Write The Word ‘Homosexual.’”

by Edward Lemay

1961: “I Couldn’t Bring Myself To Write The Word ‘Homosexual.’”

“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count1961: “I Couldn’t Bring Myself To Write The Word ‘Homosexual.’” The year is 1961. I had just graduated from high school and I was on my way to St. John’s University, w1962: Falling In Love With A Fellow Classmate In Seminary School. I was born in 1943, and this happened when I was a sophomore at St. John’s, so 1962. At St. John’s and in manHomework Assignment: “Go To A Singles Bar And Pick Up Women.” This was in 1962 or 63. I’m a student at St John’s and St John’s was known as “The College Behind the PinSabotaging Relationships With Women: “I Think My Subconscious Kicked In.” I had been trying to change my sexual orientation. I’d been trying to be straight and so much of meVisiting A Gay Bathhouse: “It Was A Great First Time.” I had been in therapy to become a straight person, and part of the therapy was to date women. I found, actually, a very,“I Was Very, Very Fortunate In The Sixties That My Parents Were So Accepting.” It was the late Sixties. I was visiting my parents in Minnesota and, fortunately, there was an a“Luke Will Always Be Just A Very, Very Incredible Person In My Life.” So it was the late Seventies I was living on Devisadero and saw this ad in a San Francisco gay newspaper ...

“He Helped Me Feel It Was Okay To Be Gay And Lutheran.”

by Rick Stuckey

“He Helped Me Feel It Was Okay To Be Gay And Lutheran.”

I’m Rick Stuckey from Chicago, Illinois. I’m Lutheran. I grew up Lutheran. I went to a Lutheran high school. And I always felt a little different. It was summer, it was June, ...

“In That Moment, I Realized That She Got It.” A Mother Learns To Empathize With Gay Son.

by Bryan Blaise

“In That Moment, I Realized That She Got It.” A Mother Learns To Empathize With Gay Son.

I’m Bryan Blaise from Leesburg, Florida. Back when I was 22, I went home for the holidays. At that time I had started dating someone here in Chicago and decided I was going to t...