Results for "Religion"

“I Am Who I Am, You Should Get Over It.” A Trans* Youth’s Path to Self-Acceptance.

by Alex Williams

“I Am Who I Am, You Should Get Over It.” A Trans* Youth’s Path to Self-Acceptance.

I’m Alex Williams. I’m from Philadelphia. Growing up, I was raised very, very, like, Christian, just strict, like, down-your-throat kind of Christian religion. Before you can ...

How Punk Music and Feminism Changed a Young Life.

by Rudy Garcia

How Punk Music and Feminism Changed a Young Life.

My name is Rudy Garcia, and I’m from East L.A. I’m the last of eight children, and our family migrated here in the late ‘70s. My parents – at that point, by the time I rea...

“My Religious Identity Is As Important To Me As My Sexual Identity.”

by John Russell Stanger

“My Religious Identity Is As Important To Me As My Sexual Identity.”

I’m the Reverend John Russell Stanger and I’m from Brazoria, Texas. I grew up on my family’s cattle ranch outside Brazoria. One of things I remember doing when I was about 1...

The Path of Acceptance vs. The Path of Rejection.

by Eric Thomas

The Path of Acceptance vs. The Path of Rejection.

My name is Eric Thomas and I’m from the Bronx NY. I had a high school friend who was one of my best friends, his name was Felix. We came out to each other in high school so we w...

Why I Identify As “Queer.”

by Jaime-Jin Lewis

Why I Identify As “Queer.”

My name is Jaime-Jin Lewis and I’m from Charlottesville, Virginia. My whole life I feel like I’ve been an “other”, from being an Asian American, being female, being a tran...

Rosa’s Journey From “All Gays Should Go To Hell” to Loving Her Lesbian Daughters.

by Rosa Manriquez

Rosa’s Journey From “All Gays Should Go To Hell” to Loving Her Lesbian Daughters.

I’m Rosa Manriquez and I’m from Los Angeles. When people ask me what I am, if I’m LGBTQA, what am I, I tell people I’m neither. I don’t identify by my sexuality, I’m a...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Mike B.

I’m From Columbus, OH.

I attempted to come out of the closet the for the first time at eleven. I knew that I was a gay at a very young age and my parents should have as well because I danced around in m...

I’m From Little Rock, AR.

by Carey Benedict

I’m From Little Rock, AR.

I have always known I was a lesbian. I remember being in fourth grade, and thinking, “Wait…but she’s a girl…and I’m a girl. But I like her.” At the time it was a reall...

Satellite overhead image of Pennsylvania from Google Earth 2022

by Stefan H.

I’m From Bethlehem, PA.

I grew up in the city-suburb of Bethlehem, PA, in the heart of the Lehigh Valley, to Greek-American immigrants. Bethlehem is just like every other podunk Pennsylvanian town, excep...