Results for "Religion"

I’m From Athens, AL.

by Mark P.

I’m From Athens, AL.

I lived my entire life on the same street in Athens, Alabama. I grew up in an extremely conservative, evangelical Christian family. I was taught my entire life that family was all...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Mike Triggs

I’m From Laurens, IA.

When I was a candidate for the Iowa Legislature in 1984 there was an out gay Republican, Rich Eychaner, who was also on the ballot who was running for Congress. While knocking on ...

I’m From Wasilla, AK – Video Story.

by Lewis

I’m From Wasilla, AK – Video Story.

Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can follow us on our adventure. If you haven’t submitted a story yet to IFD, or ifMy name is Lewis, I’m from Wasilla. Lived here, pretty much all my life. In middle school, the time period I was going there – the word “fag” was starting to hit schools a...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Austin Yu

I’m From Union City, CA.

Over 15 years ago, I came out to my parents while in high school. Specifically, to my mom after a heated argument about whether or not I can go play miniature golf with a few frie...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Rick Thomas Jr.

I’m From Worcester, MA.

I was born and raised as a Jehovah’s Witness in a very strict, by the bible and controlled household. I knocked on doors, didn’t celebrate any holidays and I was a virgin unti...

I’m From Glenwood, UT – Video Story.

by Ryan Oldroyd

I’m From Glenwood, UT – Video Story.

Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can follow us on our adventure. If you haven’t submitted a story yet to IFD, or ifMy name’s Ryan Oldroyd, I’m from Glenwood, Utah. You probably know a lot of guys in Utah go on missions, and I went on one when I was nineteen. They typical go from nineteen t...

Satellite overhead image of Virginia from Google Earth 2022

by Earl

I’m From Orange, VA – Video Story.

Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can follow us on our adventure. If you haven’t submitted a story yet to IFD, or ifMy name is Earl and I’m from Orange, Virginia. When I realized I was gay it actually changed my entire personality, because when I was younger I was really outgoing but when I t...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022

by Kori Ashton

I’m From San Antonio, TX.

Think being gay is tough because your church or synagogue disapproves? Try being gay and Christian, getting prejudice from both sides of the fence. From Pastor’s kid to worship ...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022
I’m From Spearman, TX.

My family was very religious, and I grew up going to church with them on a regular basis, at least until the bullying became too much to take. I myself was quite religious as a ch...