Results for "representation"

From Bi Erasure to “Flaming Bisexual”: Bi Asian Mom Learns the Value of Visibility.
Hi, I’m Ivy Le from Dallas, Texas. I thought everybody was bisexual. My family immigrated from Vietnam, so I actually grew up in two really conservative cultures; VietnameseAnd I was like, “Okay, I think I got what you’re saying now.” And it was then, because I had the awareness, I was ready for these calls to action. I immediately ...

Gay Aunt Becomes Queer Person’s Beacon of Hope Amid Homophobic Family
My name is Kirsten and I’m from Queens, New York. So when I was growing up, me and my aunt, my mother’s sister, were very close. There was an intensity to that closeAnd I had been suspecting at that point for years that she was, so I finally just asked her, “Are you queer?” I didn’t say, “Are you queer?” I was li...

Choosing Authenticity: How One Lesbian Risked It All to Be Themselves & Thrived.
My name is Sammi Price and I’m from Neenah, Wisconsin. I remember the first time that I had a crush on a girl, and it was in eighth grade in my little hometown in WisconsiPeople started talking a little bit. In my small town there wasn’t much to talk about. There were suspicions that I was a lesbian. There was talk amongst the crowds. But fas...

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”
My name is Terrence Francois. I’m from Brooklyn, New York, also known as Indigenous Land of the Lenape people. So it’s 2021. We’re a year into the pandemic. The And they’re just cheesing. They’re like, “¿Como esta?” That’s I think all I got. And I was like, “I’m good. How are you?” And I th...

Why Getting a Short Haircut & Tattoos After Breakup Felt “Like a Second Coming Out” For Lesbian
My name is Sarah Rahl, and I’m from Kennebunk, Maine. When I went to school in Virginia, I went to college, I was on the lacrosse team. I was so closeted at that point. I I woke up the next morning early because I really didn’t sleep that night. Like I said, I was in Rhode Island. My parents were in Maine at the time. I called them and said, ...

Closeted Gay Athlete In Small Town Finds Hope in Will & Grace. “That Show Saved My Life.”
My name is Brandon Hines. I’m from Dublin, Georgia. When I was about, I would say 10 or so years old, I was very masculine, very into sports. I was the typical boy. I had a cous...

Oscar-Winning Movie About Drag Queens Gives Teen Courage To “Live as Out Loud as I Possibly Could.”
My name’s Wallace West and I’m from Houston, Texas. Coming of age in very conservative Texas, that’s still very conservative, I didn’t see much of myself in movies. I was ...

College Student Finds His Queer Voice Studying Abroad in Rome. “It’s Been Incredibly Liberating.”
Hey, I’m Paolo Lee, and I am from Glendora, New Jersey.Hey, I’m Paolo Lee, and I am from Glendora, New Jersey. I’ve always been a musician. Music is in my family. I’ve been a singer-songwriter. I’ve learned how to play piano. ...

Gender Non-Binary Person Reflects On Not Conforming. “It’s Okay To Be Fluid. It’s Okay To Just Be.”
My name is Jin. I’m from Aiea, Hawaii. I moved to New York City about maybe 8 years ago and 6 years ago I started becoming a sex worker. Unintentionally – it just kind of happ...