Results for "Rome"

Gay Teacher Goes From Closeted Student to Queer Role Model
My name is Philip Marcus. I’m from the Bronx, New York. As long as I can remember, I knew that I was different. I knew that I was gay. Because I went to an all boys CatholI had been dating someone who was in that small group from high school. I was able to be very open about my relationship, and I was able to talk about my feelings and my struggles...

College Student Finds His Queer Voice Studying Abroad in Rome. “It’s Been Incredibly Liberating.”
Hey, I’m Paolo Lee, and I am from Glendora, New Jersey.Hey, I’m Paolo Lee, and I am from Glendora, New Jersey. I’ve always been a musician. Music is in my family. I’ve been a singer-songwriter. I’ve learned how to play piano. ...

Story Update: Charlie Poulson “I Look at Being Trans as a Superpower.”
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be talking with Charlie Poulson. But first, let’s take a look his story. Charlie: My name is Charlie Pou...

A Barbershop Experience Marks The Beginning Of A New Chapter In Life For Transgender Man.
My name is Charlie Poulson and I’m from Des Moines, Iowa. I guess my story kind of starts going back to college when I first started transitioning. It was in Ames, Iowa, which i...