Results for "San Francisco"

From SF Gay Bubble to Conservative College Station, TX: How One Gay Woman Found Her Core of Queers.
A while ago, I moved from Detroit to a lot of other places and eventually ended up in San Francisco. I just basically thought it was a bubble of gay. Everywhere I went, it felt gaAnd she passed me and I passed her, kept on walking. I noticed that my stomach unclenched. I took a breath. I just felt better. I straightened up my shoulders a little bit and I k...

Xbox Game “Tell Me Why” Gives Trans Teen the Confidence to Be Himself. “I Was Finally in My Skin.”
I’m Evan, and I’m from Somers, New York. When I was younger, I never really felt comfortable with the girly things or wearing dresses, playing with all the girl toys...

Gay Man Confronted By Ex-Wife. “I Hear You Have a Rainbow Sticker on Your Car.”
My name is Frank Zahn and I’m from Washington DC. The time is 1998. I’m living in California and it’s about 18 months after my marriage of five years to a woman came to a cl...

Story Update: Gina Grahame: “Your heart is not wrong. This is not a sin.”
Nathan: Welcome to this week’s Story Update. Today, we’re going to be speaking to Gina Grahame. Before we do, let’s take a look at her story. Gina: Hi, I’m Gina Grahame,...

Black Gay Man Reflects On A Life Defined By Love, Authenticity, Activism And Connection. “That’s Just Part Of Who I Am.”
1980s: Black Gay Man On Coming Out In The South: “While I Did Come Out, I Didn’t Really Feel Free.” So, you know, for me, the last thing that I wanted to be was a gay man b...

“It Ain’t Over Till The Bisexual Speaks.” Activist Fights For Bi Inclusion Throughout The Decades.
From Living As A Straight Housewife to Becoming A Lesbian Activist. “It Was An Amazing Awakening.” I was conceived in Hawaii. This is how the story goes – conceived in Haw...

Teen Daughter Reacts After Dad Comes Out As Drag Queen: “All This Time You Could’ve Been Doing My Makeup?”
I am BeBe Sweetbriar and I am from San Francisco. I was born Kevin Junious and I was born in Sacramento, California and grew up there. Went to college outside of Sacramento and St...

“Your Son Is Being Seen Around Town With Known Homosexuals.” Gay Life From The Sixties To Today.
“What Was It Like? Stories by LGBTQ Elders” is a new program by I’m From Driftwood, in partnership with Comcast, the nation’s largest cable provider, and SAGE, the count...

Love, Humor and Betty Boop: How One Man’s Struggle With AIDS Inspired An Ally.
My name is Janet Hart and I’m from San Francisco. I grew up within the gay community. My mom came out when I was about 5 years old. My sister was probably about a year old. And ...