Results for "Sikhism"

Queer Sikh Man Uses Visibility and Experience in Healthcare to Help and Empower Others.
My name is Sundeep Singh Boparai. My pronouns are he, him, his, and I’m from Queens, New York. I was a senior in undergrad and my mom was actually making lunch for me. AndSo I decided to go to Hofstra University, where I studied Master’s of Healthcare Administration. Once I graduated, I was like, I need to join a large health system. I joined...

“It Felt Amazing” After Sikh Man Took Off Turban, Cut Hair, Came Out of Closet
My name is Mandeep Jangi and I’m from Middlesex, New Jersey. When I think about my journey in life, my story, and kind of where I came from, it actually doesn’t start as a gay...