Results for "sister"

Blind Gay Man Discovers He’s Not Alone.
I’m George Ashiotis and I grew up in Astoria Queens. Around the age of five, I was playing ball in the park with my father and my sister. I remember there was a blue ball that w...

I’m From Cactus, TX.
I realized I was gay at a young age. I would always love for my best friend to stay over. The years passed and I would hear that being gay was wrong. I would hear it left and righ...

I’m From New York, NY.
My sister is the first person that comes to mind when I think of “those were good times” or “that was good parenting.” Yes, parenting, because in many ways she has been a ...

We’re From Fair Lawn, NJ – Video Story.
Today’s Video Story was collected on the 50-state Story Tour. Check out the blog where you can read about the adventure we had and some of the stories we collected. If you hav...

I’m From Oregon City, OR.
Growing up, all the “stereotypically gay” things that I did and liked were not really unusual for anyone in my family. All of my family loves to decorate, cook, shop, and perf...

I’m From Boxmeer, The Netherlands.
Being the youngest of three siblings–my sisters are ten years older than me–and being a boy, I hit the ground running in my family. My dad was the guy who showed up at dinner ...

I’m From Cava dei Tirreni, Salerno, Italy.
I’ve never told my whole family that I was gay. But when I met my first boyfriend, probably the only one that I’ve loved (so far), I was completely happy. I called my sister t...