Results for "stereotypes"

Black Gay Man Learns To “Love Myself And Love My Skin” After Being Racially Stereotyped Abroad.
Hi, my name is Micah Peterson and I’m from Phoenix, Arizona. So, when I was 21, I was in college at Oberlin up in Ohio, which is the middle of nowhere. I had an opportunity to s...

“He Said, ‘Sorry, Buddy, But I’m Not Into Asians.’”
I’m J. C. I’m from Manila. That’s the capital of the Philippines. I grew up there. I moved to the U. S., specifically New York, in 2005 at the tender age of 21. Moving to Ne...

Lesbian Couple In Hospital Humorously Experience “Being Seen First and Foremost In Terms of Your Difference.”
My name is Vera Whisman, I’m from Tulsa, Oklahoma. But this story doesn’t happen in Tulsa, Oklahoma. My partner and I decided in the 90s, when a lot of lesbians were doing thi...

Discovering the Gender and Racial Divide in the LGBTQ Community
I’m Femi Redwood. I’m from Milton, Delaware, which is about 15 minutes outside of Rehoboth Beach. Teeny tiny little place in Delaware, with about 13 black people, so 6 of them...

I’m From Prince George, BC, Canada.
Though I was born in Eire – Southern Ireland – I consider myself from Prince George BC, a small city in Northern BC, Canada. Outsiders think we are a redneck, close-minded, se...

I’m From Claysburg, PA.
As I was leaving the house to be on the “anti-” panel in a Prop. 8 debate, my straight roommate asked where I was going. “To the campus. For the debate.” “The Prop. 8 th...