Results for "survival"

From “Jose” To “Joe” And Back Again: Gay Man Creates Alternate Identity To Overcome Trauma.
Hi. My name is Jose Ramon. I’m from the Bronx, New York. I was 13. I lived on Riverside Drive on 160th and Riverside. Beautiful neighborhood. My mother and father were both born...

Intersex Woman Leaves Zimbabwe, Seeks Asylum In America. “I’m A Human Being. That’s The First Thing.”
Tatenda is currently waiting for her work authorization, without which she cannot legally work in the United States. If you would like to contribute to her GoFundMe page, which sh...

“I Cannot Have Anything To Do With a Gay Son. Please Don’t Contact Me Anymore.”
Hi, my name is Lester Mayers and I’m from Brooklyn, New York. When I was 3 years old I lost my mom to complications of AIDS. And my father left me and I went to go live with my ...

“I’ll Be Damned If I’m Going To Be Buried A Girl.” Gender Transition Gives HIV+ Trans Man Reason To Live
My name is Teo Drake, I actually grew up in Connecticut, near New Haven. The story basically is this intersection or this way of looking at my struggle around gender identity and ...