Results for "teenager"

“It Ripped My Heart Out” Choosing To Fit In Instead Of Interacting With Gay Friend
My name is Cameron Stiehl and I’m from Albuquerque, New Mexico. I’ll never forget the day that I found out that there was a difference. I was at a drama festival in Albuquerqu...

“Be Happy. The Gay Brotherhood Demands This Of You.”
My name is Dave White, I’m a writer and I live in Los Angeles. I grew up in southeastern New Mexico. When I was 17 years old in 1982 my family was living in a little town called...

“Men Are Gay Because They Like Men. You Should Think About Putting on a Little Muscle Next Time.”
My name is Jason Wimberly, and I grew up in a small town called Lodi, California, So I was fortunate enough to go to this amazing art school where you would major like in a univer...

“I Was Very, Very Happy That Stonewall Had Happened.”
My name is Perry Brass, I’m originally from Savannah, Georgia. I realized I was gay, certainly by the time I was 15. And at that point I went through a real crisis. And like a l...

Soccer Mom Takes Tomboy To The Gap To “Fix” Their Gender
My name is Renee and I grew up in Herndon, Virginia. When I was in middle school and early high school I was a pretty big tomboy. My mom was pretty cool with that actually, I was ...

“I Wish I Could Show Myself At 13 Who I Am Now.” Genderqueer Expression Leads To Empowerment.
My name is Jacob Tobia and I’m from Raleigh, North Carolina. By the time I was around 16, I came out to my parents as gay. I thought I was done, that was it. And then I started ...

“Truth or Dare” Results in Teen’s First Gay Kiss.
I’m Tirrell and I’m from Atlanta, Georgia. Before moving to Georgia, I lived in Hawaii until I was 15. Growing up in Hawaii, it was different, it was a bit isolated, I didn’...

In This Family Of Seattle Seahawks Fanatics, Coming Out Can Wait For A Commercial.
I’m Robbie Macaraeg from Bremerton, Washington. Being from Washington, the Seattle area, we have a lot of pride in our town. I even have a Seattle tattoo. I come from a family o...

“I Am Who I Am, You Should Get Over It.” A Trans* Youth’s Path to Self-Acceptance.
I’m Alex Williams. I’m from Philadelphia. Growing up, I was raised very, very, like, Christian, just strict, like, down-your-throat kind of Christian religion. Before you can ...