Results for "teenager"

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Kelly D.

I’m From Johns Creek, GA.

My name is Kelly and I am in my teens. I’ve been told many times during my awkward confessions to friends and relatives that I am too young to be sure of my sexuality. I know so...

I’m From Hollis, NH.

by Marc Robinson

I’m From Hollis, NH.

When I was 13 or so, perhaps even 12, I was introduced to the amazing world of Internet porn by my brother and his friends. I very quickly learned the ropes, remembering to delete...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Stephanie

I’m From Miami Beach, FL.

In high school, two girls can get away with anything short of making out without raising suspicions. Holding hands, constantly touching, none of those things made an impression un...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Zachary Clark

I’m From Jacksonville, FL.

“How old are you?” she asked me. “Eighteen.” “You look twelve. Is this your first time at a gay bar, Mr. Eighteen? They can’t hear you, honey.” She pushed the microp...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Brad Willis

I’m From Damascus, GA.

I grew up in a world where boys longed for a new deer rifle for Christmas. The back pockets of blue jeans bore faded circles, evidence of everyone’s favorite contraband, Skoal. ...

Canada Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022

by Robyn S.

I’m From Toronto, ON, Canada.

When I was small, I practiced kissing with other girls.  But everyone did, and I never thought much of it.  I kind of hated girls.  They picked on me, and I always seemed to be...

Satellite overhead image of Texas from Google Earth 2022

by Anthony

I’m From Crosbyton, TX.

I returned to Crosbyton from Dallas with my family when I was seven years old. Crosbyton is the typical West Texas town: Southern Baptist, football, and casserole ruled. In second...

State Satellite overhead image from Google Earth 2022
I’m From Farmington, CT.

It was at the airport check-in counter that I first saw him. Sweatpants and a sweater. I can’t remember his face anymore. Waiting to board the plane, all I could do was look at ...

Google Earth Satellite Image of UK
I’m From Leicester, UK.

That’s the way it feels sometimes. Disgusting. I’ve just been reading I’m From Driftwood. Before that I was masturbating. I stopped. It felt disgusting. Not the physical ac...


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