Results for "Texas"
I’m From Belton, TX.
Gravity slams my shoulder into the rusting frame of the bus seat. The silent impact spins my body sideways, gravity finishing its job, pulling me to the hard rubber aisle–my bac...
I’m From Crosbyton, TX.
I returned to Crosbyton from Dallas with my family when I was seven years old. Crosbyton is the typical West Texas town: Southern Baptist, football, and casserole ruled. In second...
I’m From Dallas, TX.
Twelve years old. That’s how old I was when I had a dream that absolutely changed my life. One night when I went to sleep, I went into my typical dreamscape, but this one was di...
I’m From Galveston, TX.
The bell rang, and my government teacher closed the door and walked along the front of the classroom. “Mister Hanley,” he said. His salutation was followed by an ellipsis,...
I’m From Harlingen, TX.
Age 11: My parents had just bought a new house. It was in a fancy neighborhood. It was on a big corner lot and all the neighbors were doctors or business owners, even the mayor li...
I’m From Spring, TX.
I was in Sadr City looking for something to cover up the body of a fallen Soldier. He had died in a bombing and I could see his blood staining the ground below the stretcher he ...
I’m From Clear Lake, TX.
I’m from Clear Lake. But my dog is from Leander. I was able to adopt her, I’m pretty sure, only because I’m gay — something I still have mixed feelings about. Sky used to ...
I’m From Elgin, TX.
Being gay in a small town isn’t glamorous (think Slingblade), which is why I don’t live in one anymore. If you’ve ever heard of Elgin – and I don’t blame you if you hav...
I’m From Garland, TX.
I met the first guy I ever dated on the Internet, of course, where we had a brief dialog before we decided to physically meet. We knew very little about one another other than t...