Results for "transgender parent"

Trans Parenthood: Daughter’s Birth Inspires Woman to Live Authentically.
Hi, I’m Sharlot and I am from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I have a 3-year-old daughter. She was born three months before the start of the pandemic. And so I was still Eventually, I come out to my parents who are very supportive. I come out to my ex and we decide that it’s best to separate. I start socially transitioning, and I just start ...

Three Weddings and a Reconciliation: How One Trans Man’s Patience Helped Heal Family Wounds
Hi, my name is Connor Maddocks. I’m from San Diego, California. When I was say about 45 years old, this amazing thing called the Internet came out and I met some folks onlWe just kind of left it alone. And I would talk to them on the phone and conversations were just very like, “Hey, how are you? I’m fine. I’m fine. Okay, talk to you ...

Transgender Lesbian: “I Took A Brave Step To Ensure That I Live In The Light of Truth.”
This story was found with the help of Diversity Role Models which actively seeks to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in UK schools. I’m Victoria Baker, or Tori as m...