Results for "transition"

Trans Parenthood: Daughter’s Birth Inspires Woman to Live Authentically.
Hi, I’m Sharlot and I am from San Antonio, Texas, originally. I have a 3-year-old daughter. She was born three months before the start of the pandemic. And so I was still Eventually, I come out to my parents who are very supportive. I come out to my ex and we decide that it’s best to separate. I start socially transitioning, and I just start ...

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”
My name is Terrence Francois. I’m from Brooklyn, New York, also known as Indigenous Land of the Lenape people. So it’s 2021. We’re a year into the pandemic. The And they’re just cheesing. They’re like, “¿Como esta?” That’s I think all I got. And I was like, “I’m good. How are you?” And I th...

A Lesson, Then a Plan: How a Sixth Grade Student Changed a Trans Teacher’s Life
I identified as a girl for most of my life, but in 5th grade I started getting a lot of anxiety around school. And it wasn’t until I realized that clothing and the way peoplI didn’t really have the courage to say anything or stand up for that student in that moment, which I still think about a lot. But what it did do was it kind of set an alarm off...

From NSYNC Cover Band Drag King to Coming Out at Work, Trans Man Shares Journey to Self-Acceptance
My name is Jay Beaulieu, I’m from South Pasadena, California. When I was six years old, I remember learning how to play basketball. I was on the court learning to shoot frSo, life moved on and I ended up getting a real job and buying a house. And one thing that never settled with me was my body dysphoria. And anybody who doesn’t want a big ch...

“You Will Find Your Way.” Transgender Woman’s Multi-Stop–And Ongoing–Journey to Realizing Her Identity.
My name is Samantha. I’m from Houston, Texas. When I was in college, just kind of finishing my degree at University of Texas in Austin, I started dating this guy whom I haI went to France to effectively be a student teacher in Toulouse. It was something I wanted to do, but turned out to be way more difficult than I anticipated. I was living off a r...

Buffy and a Music Video Contributes to Trans Man Embracing His Identity. “You Deserve to Choose Yourself.”
I’m Bristtle. I’m from Liberty, South Carolina. I remember I was 11 years old the first time I realized that I was queer. I was watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Willow an...

After Hitting Rock Bottom, Trans Person Finds Inspiration in Helping Others. “Not Every Queer Kid Out There Has the Support of Their Families.”
I’m River Francis. I’m from Bar Harbor, Maine. When I was six years old, I saw an episode of Night Court, which featured a trans person. And for the first time I realized that...

Trans Man’s Father Goes From Apprehensive to Ally: “I Know That My Dad Is In My Corner.”
Hi, I’m Grey Pierce. I’m from Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania. So I was in my last quarter of my freshman year at Oberlin College and I was taking my exams. Since I had been living ...

After Therapist Outs Student To Parents & Turns School Against Her, Trans Teen Finds a Way to Thrive.
I’m Arielle Rebekah. I am from Harrington Park, New Jersey. I struggled with depression my entire life. And when I was 17 years old, I became so depressed that my parents decide...