Results for "visibility"

From Bi Erasure to “Flaming Bisexual”: Bi Asian Mom Learns the Value of Visibility.
Hi, I’m Ivy Le from Dallas, Texas. I thought everybody was bisexual. My family immigrated from Vietnam, so I actually grew up in two really conservative cultures; VietnameseAnd I was like, “Okay, I think I got what you’re saying now.” And it was then, because I had the awareness, I was ready for these calls to action. I immediately ...

Gay Aunt Becomes Queer Person’s Beacon of Hope Amid Homophobic Family
My name is Kirsten and I’m from Queens, New York. So when I was growing up, me and my aunt, my mother’s sister, were very close. There was an intensity to that closeAnd I had been suspecting at that point for years that she was, so I finally just asked her, “Are you queer?” I didn’t say, “Are you queer?” I was li...

Choosing Authenticity: How One Lesbian Risked It All to Be Themselves & Thrived.
My name is Sammi Price and I’m from Neenah, Wisconsin. I remember the first time that I had a crush on a girl, and it was in eighth grade in my little hometown in WisconsiPeople started talking a little bit. In my small town there wasn’t much to talk about. There were suspicions that I was a lesbian. There was talk amongst the crowds. But fas...

Shirtless Trans Man on a Beach Changes Stranger’s Life. “It is Super Important to See Our Marks.”
My name is Terrence Francois. I’m from Brooklyn, New York, also known as Indigenous Land of the Lenape people. So it’s 2021. We’re a year into the pandemic. The And they’re just cheesing. They’re like, “¿Como esta?” That’s I think all I got. And I was like, “I’m good. How are you?” And I th...

Why Getting a Short Haircut & Tattoos After Breakup Felt “Like a Second Coming Out” For Lesbian
My name is Sarah Rahl, and I’m from Kennebunk, Maine. When I went to school in Virginia, I went to college, I was on the lacrosse team. I was so closeted at that point. I I woke up the next morning early because I really didn’t sleep that night. Like I said, I was in Rhode Island. My parents were in Maine at the time. I called them and said, ...

From SF Gay Bubble to Conservative College Station, TX: How One Gay Woman Found Her Core of Queers.
A while ago, I moved from Detroit to a lot of other places and eventually ended up in San Francisco. I just basically thought it was a bubble of gay. Everywhere I went, it felt gaAnd she passed me and I passed her, kept on walking. I noticed that my stomach unclenched. I took a breath. I just felt better. I straightened up my shoulders a little bit and I k...

“We Have An Obligation To Be Visible.” Lesbian Changes 6th Grader’s Life By Hanging Up a Pride Flag.
Hi, my name is Nicole Bashor and I’m originally from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I ended up going to college at the University of Pittsburgh, and it was quite a transition bA few years after that, I got married to a woman and we, after living in the city of Chicago for 20 years, were looking to buy a house. We originally moved to Evanston, which is t...

Gay Man Opens Up About HIV Status to Provide Hope for Black Queer Youth.
I’m Tarik Daniels and I’m from Detroit, Michigan. Around 12 years ago, maybe 11, back in Atlanta, I was in a long-term relationship and we went on a business trip in Miami. ...

Gay Man Meets His Idol, Quentin Crisp: “There’s A Mantle Of Activism That Must Be Passed From Generation To Generation.”
I’m Stephen Mosher. I’m from Dallas, Texas. When I was in college, I met the man that would eventually become my husband and during the first weeks when we’re together, shar...